Meet Niki Cozmo

Spiritual Mentor on Death, Rebirth and Living Fulfilled

One day you will die — *And a hush falls over the room*

How’s that for a casual conversation starter?

We all know life ends, but few dare to use that truth as a catalyst for growth. As your Spiritual Life Mentor, I believe befriending death unlocks our most extraordinary rebirths.

“Personal tragedy cracked me open then sparked an awakening.”

By the age of 30, I'd experienced unimaginable loss, losing my entire immediate family. Yet, amidst the pain, a whisper emerged: "Your pain holds purpose. Let it become your gift.” While facing these sudden losses could have dimmed my light forever I, instead, transformed incredible grief into a life full of purpose.

“Self-discovery across continents showed me the incredible resilience we each hold.”

So that became my journey — immersing myself in self-discovery, exploring healing modalities in distant lands, and witnessing incredible transformations in others. While doing this, I began to transform my grief into fuel — into a burning passion to learn. My pain became a womb, birthing a deeper empathy and wisdom for all human beings. Now, I pay the gift of renewal forward.

Today I help women just like you alchemize life's messes into meaning.

Together we'll mine pain's hidden gems - unearthing self-love, unshakeable confidence and profound clarity about your true desires.

My blend of mentoring, hypnotherapy and energy work unlocks limiting stories so you can write bold new narratives of financial freedom, vibrant relationships and a life bursting with joyful purpose.

“When we lean into discomfort, we find freedom on the other side.

I'm not perfect. I still have growing pains and bad days. But I've learned to turn darkness into strength, rewriting narratives of lack into ones of conviction, purpose, and spiritual abundance. I’ve developed the tools to keep expanding possibilities from that centered place and now share it with others.

If you feel the soul-call but struggle to transmute inner dragons on your own, I've been there. Allow me to walk this leg of the path with you.

Are you ready to shed old limitations and live more fully, freely, and fearlessly?

Let's unravel past hurts and watch your bold new life blossom. With warmth, wisdom, and straight-talk, we'll midwife meaning from messiness. With wisdom gathered through darkness, light and all between, we'll have straight talks, good laughs and meaningful breakthroughs.

Are you ready to break free from fears and conditioning to live fully and fearlessly as your highest self? Unleash your untapped potential and claim your extraordinary life?

I sit here and write to you with words of hope and prayer — with a simultaneously broken and open heart. knowing that we’ll both experience something absolutely beautiful on the other side.

Podcasts & Media Features


By virtue of her losses and her will to live a fulfilling life, Niki attended different schools globally to learn an array of philosophies and healing techniques. Marrying her life skills with her formal training, Niki has created several internationally accredited curriculums and trainings for those who desire a modern-day approach to the spiritual.


Hatha Yoga Levels I & II - Agama Yoga, Koh Phangan

Tantra Fundamentals Levels I & II - Agama Yoga, Koh Phangan

The Art of Dying - Trika Yoga, Rishikesh

Usui Reiki Levels I & II - Orion Healing Center, Koh Phangan

Usui Reiki Master Teacher, RMT - Moon Yogi Reiki Healing, Los Angeles

Certified Love Attraction Coach, CLAC - Alice-Tompkins School, Malibu

Past Life Regression Therapist, C.Ht - Hypnosis Motivation Institute, Tarzana

Certified Hypnotherapist, C.Ht - Hypnosis Motivation Institute, Tarzana

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) - Academy of Modern Applied Psychology, Los Angeles

Diploma in Modern Applied Psychology, DMAP - Academy of Modern Applied Psychology, Los Angeles

Theta Hypnosis Healing, THH - Niki Cozmo, Malibu

Cosmic Relations Master, CRM - Niki Cozmo, Malibu

Member of

  • American Hypnosis Association

  • Hypnotherapists Union Local 472

  • Complementary Therapists Accredited Association

  • Academy of Alternative Integration

Pairing her extensive knowledge and skills with her worldly experiences, Niki creates distinctly personalized trainings and private sessions. 
Niki will offer you not only peace of mind, but also peace of spirit. ✶

